Location: City and County of Broomfield, Colo.
Acreage: 140 acres with a 58-acre commercial power center
Residential Units: 800 (high density)
Metropolitan District Funding: $20 million (projected)
Other Highlights:
- 28 acres of open space, parks and trails
- Ongoing entitlements as of Q1 2007
- Managed project entitlements including; Planned Unit Development, Final Plat,
and Comprehensive Plan Amendment.
- Negotiated sales tax sharing and reimbursement agreement with City and County
of Broomfield.
- Coordinated intergovernmental agreement between the City and County of
Broomfield and the Town of Erie.
- Managed the formation of the Highlands Metropolitan District No. 1 and No. 2.
- Negotiated surface use agreement with mineral rights owners for consolidation of
five (5) well sites down to two (2) sites.
- Managed environmental cleanup and farming leases.
- Actively marketing both the commercial and residential portions for the property.
Marathon Land Company
7887 East Belleview Avenue, Suite 825 | Englewood, CO 80111
p. 303.920.9400 | f. 303.920.9440 | JSpehalski@marathonlc.com |